Some may struggle with an emptiness of feeling rejected, neglected, or unloved by family.
'Perhaps you might try looking at life in a spiritual way to help you heal or see life in a different light.
We enter this world and the only way in is via other souls called humans.
Look at your parents as your vessel, the birthing of your human experience on earth. They too are having a spiritual journey, and part of their journey was to have you' so you can start yours.
Perhaps their 'spiritual assignment' was to birth your soul, and 'that's it'
They participated in the creation of you.
There are many other souls out there that will show you love, the kind of love you may have expected from your parents, siblings, birth family.
Embrace the one's that want to give you love, they were put on 'your path' for that reason. There is an abundance of love for everyone and it's all around us.

Those souls who come into your life and love you' are also your family ❤